Saturday night big match in Serie C Gold with our team members on the court. Airaghi and his teammates, in fact, will face Collegno, one of the most talented teams in the stage that is experiencing an excellent period of form. It will be a tough game, in which every possession could make the difference, but to get closer to the game we talk with Stefano Di Cerbo: “The game will be good, they are one of the hottest team of the moment and they have important players recovered with respect to the first leg: there will be Trovato and Tuninetto, they have Agbogan who is growing game after game and they will be very loaded for a high-level game “.

The College Basketball coach then goes on talking about the match: “We’ll be ready. Collegno is a well-trained team, tactically they are very strong and will certainly try to take away the solutions that are most congenial to us. We mustn’t be conditioned by this, it’s a good test and we will have to be good at imposing our game, even in the future, this must be our trademark: take the court, play with the right spirit and focus on our basketball, knowing that a playoff match with the Lombard teams awaits us at the gates ”.