College Basketball wins the first return match with Teens Biella and signs the sixth success in six games in this mini regular season, 86 to 72 the score of a match conducted almost from the start to finish by the biancoblu.

The start is favorable to Biella: Teens takes advantage of Murta’s experience and escapes thanks to a 6 to 1 break after a couple of minutes. The trend doesn’t change in the following possessions: College struggles to find rhythm in attack, but on 9 to 3 captain Airaghi plays the charge. Boglio and Okeke follow him and College bases the first break of the game grabbing Biella on 17 to 17. The quarter final is all for the boys of coach Stefano Di Cerbo, whom, with Loro’s dunk, set the score at 25 to 21 after the first 10 minutes.

In the second quarter College seems to be able to stretch in a decisive way: Attademo from the bench gives energy and opens the triple festival, Loro and De Bartolomeo emulate him and College touches the double-digit advantage. Here too many quick shots and the precise free throws of the biellesi narrow the margin between the teams, separated by only four points at the long break: 52 to 48.

In the second half, College enters with the will to close the accounts, Biella is not of the same idea, tries to stay in contact, but minute by minute the gap widens. Guests alternate defenses, but College makes the difference when it starts to retrieve balls and fly on the fast-break one of which closed by the spectacular Boglio-Loro alley-hoop. In the end, College’s management of possessions is excellent, closing the match 86 to 72.

6-0, not a tennis score, but the score of the team of coach Di Cerbo after six rounds of the championship.

College Basketball-Teens Biella 86-72

(25-21; 52-48; 67-58)

College: Manto 4, Piscetta 2, Mauri NE, Ferrari 5, Giustina, Loro 9, Okeke 9, Boglio 12, Attademo 3, Airaghi 22, Ghigo 2, De Bartolomeo 18. All Di Cerbo