Sunday evening, 6.00 pm, second consecutive home match for the C Gold of College Basketball, which will have to deal with Collegno Basket. The Turinese, coached by coach Marco Spanu, are in fact one of the best teams in the league. “They have a mix of experienced players and some interesting guys coming from the collaboration with PMS“. Stefano Di Cerbo, head coach of the College, tells us. Mortarino with so many points in his hands, but also Captain Russano and Trovato. Collegno is a very high-level team that, after the unexpected KO of the first turn, was able to easily win against Turin Ginnastica. “They aim for the high areas – coach Di Cerbo tells us – and after shaking off the rust of the debut they played an excellent game against Ginnastica, imposing their basketball and winning with clarity. For us – concludes Di Cerbo – it will be essential to play at our pace and not be influenced by their game”.

A game that promises to be exciting! Appointment set for Sunday evening at 6:00 pm. We cannot tell you that we’ll be waiting for you at Cadorna (obviously closed to counter the spread of the Covid-19 virus), but we’ll be live on College BKTV, our YouTube channel.