Third consecutive success for College Basketball of coach Stefano Di Cerbo, who on the Biellaforum parquet stops the Teens Basket 70 to 79 in the recovery of the first day of the championship.

Start of the game rather fragmented by the fouls and the numerous turnovers of the collegiali, who struggle to impose their rhythm with fluidity. Teams score little, but the intensity on the court is remarkable. In the final of the fraction comes the first mini break of biancoblu: Airaghi raises for Loro who slams another alley oop of the season. College gains confidence and the highly inspired Boglio leans against the glass in the end of the quarter: 14 to 20 College.

In the second period the Teens compacted and found a small break thanks to Pasqualini’s baskets, but the boys of coach Di Cerbo managed to push again on the accelerator and thanks to Boglio another mini break of 5 to 0 arrives. This time, it’s Biella who finds the basket on the siren: Vercellino scores from the corner and the teams change the court on 33 to 34 College.

Airaghi and his teammates put the turbo at the start of the second half: Okeke and Ferrari run well along the court, but they also leave a few points from the FT line. Murta keeps Biella in contact with the -3 basket, but Ghigo’s transition three pointer quickly arrives, forcing coach Bertetti to call timeout on 40 to 46. Biella resists, College still loses a few too many balls and at ’10 from the end of the match everything can happen: 48 to 52 the score.

The match takes the collegiali tracks after ‘3 of the last quarter: Okeke nails the dunk and Alessandro Ferrari makes two consecutive three pointers allowing the boys of coach Di Cerbo to run away +10 (55-65). Bergamaschi is among the last to surrender, but at 2’30” from the end comes yet another white-blue break: Ferrari crushes in transition and Ghigo hits again from beyond the three-point line, scoring the basket of 63 to 73. The Teens Biella try to shorten by taking advantage from the line: Castagnetti and Murta are precise, but so is De Bartolomeo, who coldly scores the free throws that close the race.

It is three out of three for College, the match ends 70 to 79 at the Biellaforum.


(14-20; 33-34; 48-52)

College: Manto, Piscetta 1, Mauri, Ferrari 16, Okeke 14, De Bartolomeo 6, Boglio 15, Attademo 2, Airaghi 12, Loro 4, Ghigo 9, Lanza NE. All By Cerbo