We are pleased to announce that, given the health situation of the entire country, College Basketball has entered into a temporary collaboration with Oleggio Magic Basket, a Club that plays in the Serie B national championship. This collaboration provides for the aggregation of some of our under 18: Boglio, Ferrari, Ghigo and Okeke. Together with them, also our captain, Matteo Airaghi, who will replace Luca Pedrazzani, currently out due to a knee injury. The situation is temporary but very useful for both clubs, especially considering the stop of the regional championships at least until January.

College Basketball president Luca Negri comments: «We are happy to announce this temporary collaboration with Oleggio. It will be formative for our guys, who will be able to gain experience, continue to train and compete with senior level players, even in such a difficult time for basketball. We thank Oleggio for the opportunity “.

The general manager of College Basketball Federico Ferrari says: “There are many experiences that Daniele Biganzoli, Franco Passera and I, have shared and so, after a chat, we immediately found a meeting point to meet the requests and needs of Oleggio Basket and College Basketaball. In such a dramatic moment, first of all from a health point of view and which is then reflected in the sporting world, I believe that serious people do their utmost to carry on our passion and find the best possible solutions, even if temporary. I am happy to have found a point of union with Oleggio and we hope to be able to help as requested by them and I also thank the club for the opportunity given to us “.

The words of the General manager of Oleggio Daniele Biganzoli: “We are very happy to be able to collaborate in this sense with College, Matteo will be an important player given Luca’s absence for some time and he immediately showed energy and desire to work; Alessandro, Alfredo, Leonardo and Maurizio are four other athletes who add freshness and a lot of talent to the group. We have always believed in collaborations, even more in a moment like this and what we do is for our guys».